More Wedding Information

We needed more space for information, so here is page 3.

About her, by him

     This is where he talks about her...

     Now, it’s my turn to talk about her, the love of my life. When I first saw her I knew that she would be an important factor in my life, somehow I knew her too. Although at that time I never thought that one day I be dating her, let alone be planning to spend the rest of forever with her. It didn't take me very long to realize that we were kindred spirits. It was an easy friendship that we had, and still have.
     After she left to work at home we lost contact for a few years. Then, out of the blue, she IM’ed me and asked me how I was doing. That led to us renewing our friendship. It was a few months later I started asking her out. First of all, I want it known that she never said ‘No.’ She would just give me somewhat of non committal answer that left open the possibility that she might – some time in the future.
     She is the most kindhearted person I have ever met; she has a true heart of gold. She has performed a number of pound rescues where she has saved abused or neglected animals from the pound. A few months after we started working together she had rescued a kitten that had gotten a serious eye infection and was a real runt. Even a vet had given up on this kitten, but she wouldn’t. She had a box under her desk and she would bring in the cat and feed it on her breaks. She still has this cat, although it’s no longer a runt.
     I have also never met a more selfless person in all my life. She likes to cook for me; she takes care of me and worries about me when I am sick. She builds me up when I feel down. She is humble, gracious, witty, has a wonderful sense humor, … oh, and she’s a hot redhead too! :)
     I feel very fortunate to have her in my life. She brings a great deal of joy to my life. One of the great things about being with her is that I can just be myself, I don't have to put on airs, I can just relax and be me. And better yet is that she likes me, just for being me. She is also the reason that I am not as introverted as I used to be. We were in training for our work and we knew that they were going to take the team leader from the training class. I saw her as my main competition for getting the lead position, so I had to come out of my shell in order to make myself stand out. By the way, I did get the team lead position – and when a second team lead position opened up she got it.
     She is my heart; I love her more than life itself. I don't want to think of where I would be without her. When I wrap my arms around her there is no better place on Earth.